This is Elder Moulder with our new Zone Leader, Elder Koch walking home last week. Everyone is so happy.
In our mission, missionaries are hosted by the Mission Presidency at a final luncheon on the last Wednesday of their mission. After the luncheon missionaries are released to do what they need to do to pack and clean up their apartment and most leave the following Saturday so yesterday we said goodbye to some dear friends. The funny thing is that it was our luncheon too, but we are not leaving until December 13th.
I had some very unexpected feelings after the luncheon. It felt like a closure for me; that I was finished. But....we are here for a few more weeks and although we have basically turned everything over to others, we can be here to help if (when) they have questions. I still have a little clean up to do with the new English translations for the Tongan records so basically Tonga was my first assignment and it will be my last.
I'm hoping we can spend some time over the next few weeks learning how to actually do family history research. I have a concern that people at home will think that we have experience that we do not have because we were part of the Family and Church History Mission. Not that we haven't been doing some work on our own lines, but the real research..... no I haven't learned how to do that yet.
I thought I would share a before and after photo. The first is from 5 Nov when we had our first real snow. I took this photo knowing that it would only be a week or so before that area would be filled with the nativity.
they have put up the "fake" lighted trees (can you spot the fake ones in the two pictures below?)
This morning I went to Music and the Spoken Word. It was a Thanksgiving special and they performed "Come, thou Fount of Every Blessing". I cried and cried. This is one thing I will miss. It is so nice to be able to walk over and sit in the Tabernacle and be uplifted.
There is so much I am grateful for, but today I am grateful for the reminder to live in thanks and giving all week long.
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