Yep, it's official! Christmas is here. Friday night the lights on Temple Square lit up the night air. Here are a few pictures: First is my view as I walk out my front door and head down West Temple Street.
The backdrop of the temple as you view the nativity scene between the Tabernacle and the North Visitor Center.
The beautiful cedar of Lebanon which was not lit last year. I think I would have preferred white light on it but it still takes your breath away. It is so big.
The red lights around the beautiful Assembly Hall.
These are two views of the wonderful chestnut trees....I cannot get enough of these magnificent trees!
This is the West Plaza of the Conference Center.
Today began with a visit to Music and the Spoken Word. Lloyd D. Newell does a great job as the voice of the choir. I can't imagine the pressure of having to prepare a "spoken word" for each week without fail. I don't think he ever gets a vacation. Is there a backup person for him? He writes them, records them, shows up every Sunday and starts all over again Monday morning. (I'm sure he is months ahead in his written preparation.) I would like to share a part of his message this morning, "The Journey to Christmas":
The month of December is a time of joyful anticipation. The sights, sounds, and smells of the season evoke feelings of excitement and wonder. For generations, children - and grownups - have used advent calendars and paper chains to count down the days. But does our focus ever become so fixed on the future that we forget to enjoy the journey to Christmas?
This year, instead of just looking forward, let's also take pleasure in the preparations: in the little, less spectacular moments along the way, even in the spontaneous joys that may, at first, seem like interruptions to our bigger plans. In order to recognize those moments for what they could be, it sometimes helps to slow things down a bit. We may need to shop less and savor more. We might have to dim the bright lights in order to see the stars in the heavens, but if we look, we will find them. . .
Yes, we are busy, But the days leading to Christmas are not just to be endured. In fact, perhaps they offer more of what the season is really about. The promise of Christmas is everywhere to behold. It's not saved for Christmas morning. If we have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to open, we truly can enjoy the journey to Christmas.
It will be a different Christmas for us this year but I will enjoy the journey. This is my hope for everyone.
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