At the Monday Devotional a new sister gave her 3 minute talk introducing herself to the mission and she told a cute story I would like to share. She told that in 1980 she worked for the Hotel Utah when it was a hotel and was in accounting on the 3rd floor down the hall from Pres. Kimball's apartment. She remembers receiving a bill for payment for two ashtrays at $75 each for the Kimball apartment. She remember wondering at the time who would have the audacity to smoke in the prophet's home? Then she said, maybe they used them for candy dishes!
The same Sister told about the experience she had, as friends of Joseph Freeman and his wife, to attend the endowment session where Brother Freeman was the first black man to receive the priesthood and be sealed to his wife. She told of the outpouring of the Spirit that day as everyone on the session warmly greeted the Freeman's in the Celestial Room of the Salt Lake Temple with handshakes of love and gratitude.
The rest of the devotional was a real treat. We listened to testimonies from two missionary couples who are assigned to work in the Translation Department Zone. It was fascinating to hear about the development of the Church Translation Department. It is hard for me to realize that the first General Conference of the Church translated live was in 1961 in a makeshift room under the choir seats in the Tabernacle. Next, interpreters were put in a room underneath the Assembly Hall with a dirt floor and sheets hung to muffle the noise from all the live translations. Now, particularly because of the building of the Conference Center, the Church Translation Department translates conference live in 93 languages using 6 international satellites. There are 700 international volunteers who give their time each year for General Conference. There are miracles that happen very often in this process. My nephew's wife Anepo is from Chuuk (an island in the Pacific) and she translates at least one talk at each conference time. She worries about it each time. It is a great responsibility but what a miracle of technology.
A quick story that was shared...
An Italian man who had been the interpreter for many years visited a Church event in Italy and was standing next to a young man at a youth event. He had been talking and the young man just kept looking at him and finally said, "But, but, you are the prophet!" It was then that the interpreter realized that for this young man his was the voice he had come to know as the prophet's voice. When the youth asked to shake his hand he realized then what a responsibility it was to be the voice of the prophet.
The rains came on Tuesday morning and then mid morning the first snow came for about 1 1/2 hours then it was gone. It was, however, just a tease for the storm that came Friday night. We watched the weather and decided on Friday that we would take a hike up to Ensign Peak. We hadn't made it up there yet and we knew that a storm was coming so we hiked it Friday afternoon in the wind. The weather was clear but we watched the clouds rolling in from up on the peak.
Friday night the rain started and then the snow came. During the night I love to listen when the snow falls because it changes the sound of everything outside. It is so still.

Saturday morning Ed and I walked around the Square for a little while in the snow so I could get some pictures and then went to the temple.
I will end with a few more of my favorite pictures.
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