Sunday, December 8, 2024

Living Around The Tower of Babel

We attend our regular church meetings as part of the Bielefeld Ward in Bielefeld which is about an hour away from our apartment. It has been exciting for us just to learn how to get to the building, but it is always a beautiful drive for me. The roads are narrow and the fields have so far been green and beautiful. The fall color is gone and the leaves have been raked and composted. Most of the trees are bare by now so it will be interesting to see what winter looks like here. 

For Sunday School classes we were invited to attend and "English" class which we were happy to do, but when we got into the class it was such a different experience! It was not an "English" class, but an international language class.  I really felt like I was at the tower of Babel!

Our teacher, Yurii, and his wife Darya are from Ukraine along with Vasily and his wife; we also have a wonderful young woman from Nigeria whose name is Sunday. There is a young man from Nigeria, a young man from Iran, a young man from Turkey, another young woman, Sophia, who is originally from a Russian speaking country but has been in Germany for about 15 years, the missionaries (one of whom is from New Zealand) and then us! So we have the lesson given in Ukrainian and translated into English, German and
Turkish. The Nigerians speak enough English and German to understand most of what goes on but I think we are the ones who understand the least of the conversations, but all of us have our scriptures in our respective languages.  

This was the most touching thing about our Sabbath Day worship...regardless of how little we understood each other's words, we understood each other's hearts. Our hearts were"knit together as one" as we each read sacred words. It may have been in our own language, but through these words from our own Savior all of us were united as members of the same fmaily.  

Interestingly we were studying in the class about the Jaredites and praying that their languages would not be confused. Well, we aren't confused anymore with the internet and more people who have skills in language due to education, business, and travel. 

Such a great group!  We love being here and lifting each other up through the Light of Christ in each of us.

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