Saturday, December 28, 2024

Driving in Germany...what a treat!

With the archive being closed for a few days during this holiday time, we have driven around a little more and have come to appreciate how nice it is to drive in Germany. 

Yes, they can drive very fast on the Autobahn, and yes, German people are general quite blunt - not rude but blunt if you have done something wrong. But we have come to appreciate the polite manner which most people drive here. 

Now, having said that I do want to clarify one thing - we are living in the country, not in a large city. But we have driven in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and the areas in between on this mission, and we have had experience driving from Rotterdam through Belgium and The Netherlands into Amsterdam so we have some level of experience.

But we just want to share that overall, German people are good, safe, polite drivers who, for the most part, follow the speed limits and do not speed around other vehicles to get ahead or honk madly or yell (well, not too much) when we make a mistake.

Below are three photos showing the progression of the traffic light for those who are stopped at the red light: 

First the red light, so all the cars are stopped.

 Next the traffic light flashes from red to yellow.

The yellow light shows itself only for a moment, but it is enough to know that the green is next so you can be ready to accelerate into the intersection, or if you are driving up to an intersection you can prepare to continue driving knowing that you will have the green light.

After the green, the traffic light will turn to yellow which in Germany definitely means to stop, and then to red to cycle through the traffic signals again.

We are so happy to have the yellow signal before the green. It has helped us feel more confident with our driving. We have watched other drivers using this little tweak in the traffic situations we encounter in this country town with so many narrow, winding roads.

We also encountered another wonderful driving phenomenon just this week as we travelled from Detmold to Dusseldorf, a 2 1/2 hour drive. We were driving along on the Autobahn and saw that the traffic was slowing to a stop ahead of us so I (I'm still the driver in our family) slowed down with the traffic. About the time we slowed to a stop, I watched as the car in front of me moved onto the shoulder of the road on the right. At the same time, the cars in the left lane moved to the shoulder on the left. None of us could see anything wrong up ahead, no cars were trying to squeeze by and get a few cars ahead, everyone was polite and calm and just moved to the sides of the road, leaving the center between the two lanes totally clear. 

Obviously there had been some kind of accident up ahead and we sat for probably 10 min before the first police vehicle came screaming safely down the middle of the road at a high rate of speed.

Another 5-10 minutes went by and an ambulance came, then after more time another ambulance, more time then what looked like a fire marshall type car  whizzed by with a fire engine following after another minute or so. Another 10 minutes and two tow trucks came by. None of our vehicles had moved for about 30 minutes but soon after the tow trucks came both lines of cars began moving slowly back into the proper lanes and forward to continue our various journeys. Not one car tried to out-do another car in line, everyone just followed and waited until the roads were clear and then we moved at the fast speeds allowed.

We never did see much of what was a big accident, but on the other side of the Autobahn, moving the opposite direction, the traffic was stopped for a long way after we got moving so we don't know what happened, but the patience of every driver was impressive. We were just grateful that we were not involved in the accident and said a little prayer for those who may have been involved on Boxing Day, another day reserved for family.

The emergency responses are very quick because people obey the emergency plans and make the center of the roads clear for them. Good communities!

We love Germany!

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