Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rome Day 2

We continue enjoying the sites here in Rome.  It is such a unique place.  Everywhere we go we see some kind of antiquity much older than most things in the USA!  What a place to live! I'm not so sure about the Romulus/Remus She Wolf mother thing though....never have been a fan of that tale.  Oh well....
They have uncovered what they think is Romulus' house which we saw up on Palatine Hill yesterday.  Definitely not decorated like the Augustus/Nero villa above it but what can you expect from a guy who was raised by a she-wolf and decided to kill his twin brother and then raised an army to go rape the Sabin women....just saying.....Anyway, we have fun until I drop from 8 hours of non-stop walking and standing and walking and standing (why didn't someone warn me about the steep steps at the colosseum? My torn meniscus is not happy today!).  

I loved going into the San Clemente church today.  That was something to see.  Walking into a 12th century church then going down to an 8th century church/crypt and down even further to the 100-200 AD Mithrian cult (men only) space.  It's amazing to me how they even find some of this stuff and how different periods would recycle so much of the prior occupants goods and sacred places.  I guess that is a show of power.  

We did finally find the Capitoline Museum this afternoon.  I am in idiot and took us on a street along the river instead of turning at just the right place (how do you know in Rome....?) to get there.  But it wasn't totally a waste, we found the "Jewish Ghetto" in Rome (Gerusaleme) and now know where to buy kosher food if needed.  

I am fascinated with the doors of Rome.  I love the big huge doors and the knobs/knockers high up on the door.  And when we walk by a door that is see the treasures of the inside courtyards!  My imagination just runs wild with all this fun stuff.  

Thought I should share a few pictures from today. 

Inside the Capitoline Museum is a sculpture of the She Wolf and the twins.

We were happy to see our most recent hero, Marcus Aurelius in the Capitoline also.  This used to be outside, but they brought the original in to restore it after beginning to deteriorate and made a copy to go out in front of the museum.  Good move.

I was excited to see one end of the circus maximus is being restored.  I can just see Ben Hur with his beautiful whites entering through this portal.

I asked Ed to take this picture for my mother.  I am standing where the floor of the track was years ago (many feet below me).  Many chariots raced here and thrilled the crowds 300,000 spectators there to watch and wager on the races, the animal kills and athletic contests. The little rise behind me is where the middle of the arena was.  This is a huge stadium about 650 ft wide and 1850 ft long.  While there we ony saw joggers and a few kids playing.            

I took this picture almost at dusk from one of the windows of the Capitoline Museum.  The far dome is St. Peter's where we will go tomorrow.  The photo didn't come close to what I could see with my own eyes.  It was a great view.

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