Monday, July 29, 2013

Magnum Meltdown

As the missionaries move around and transfer in and out of Kuching there is a need to rent apartments.  The mission is trying to have all the apartments fully furnished so there was some furniture and appliances that needed to be disposed of including a refrigerator that is about a year old.  We have two refrigerators in the senior apartments because they are quite small and the one owned by the Church was older and had a leak so I always had to keep a towel or rug under the front.  So it was suggested that perhaps the newer frig would be a good trade for us.  We agreed and the Elders hauled the newer frig up and I cleaned it and plugged it in to make sure it was fully functional after sitting empty in the heat for almost 3 months. 

It cleaned up well and got cold enough that I was satisfied it would work.  All the food was transferred and the old frig was given away.   That was Thursday, July 18th. 

This is what happened on Saturday.....all the Magnum Ice Cream bars are flattened because the frig lost power due to a faulty wire at the plug.  It is fixed now, but about 30+ Magnum bars were sacrificed. 

The missionaries who live upstairs and depend on these treats were very disappointed but we restocked quickly so it was a temporary disappointment. Such trials . . . ^_^
Looking for a Magnum

This is Elder Stewan (Steven) who is a local missionary from West Malaysia.  He is very fun and he is the one who helped us discover the problem with the cord.  He is happy now to know that there will always be Magnum bars for him. 

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