25 March 2013
Since Sister Trottier is being transferred to Singapore this week she wanted to be sure and see the Sarawak Cultural Center before leaving the island. We were flattered when they invited us to go with them even though they probably were hoping for us drive so they didn't have to get other transport. It was a fun afternoon.
Lots of cultures meet in the state of Sarawak in Malaysia so it was fun to see many of them represented in this place at the foot of one of the island mountains.
When we first arrived and parked the car across from the entrance was this large sculpture of the national bird, the hornbill, taking flight from the island to the sea. I watched for a few minutes as this little family walked down to see it and I wondered what they might be thinking. So many of the island people will never have the chance to leave the island. Were they wishing they too had wings and could fly across the South China Sea to Singapore or Thailand or even further? Maybe the children will someday have the chance.
These great photos were on the wall of the gift shop at the entrance. I thought they were fabulous. I think these are Bidayu people but they could also be Iban. |
First thing in the park we were introduced to the stairs.....fortunately they had other steps if you wanted to but of course we had to try the real local way. |
This guy came out carrying this block of wood. He set it down and danced around it and then as part of the dance he knelt down, bit into the side and stood up with it in his teeth. I don't remember how much they said it weighed, but it is a heavy piece of wood. This dance was to show the strength of the warrior. |
After walking around in the heat it was very cute that the Sisters wanted to treat us to a Magnum bar at the little restaurant on the site. |
This cute man was surprised at all these "orang puti" (white people) taking the steps! |
This cracked me up.....an Iban house with Iban dancer and instruments with electricity and a Peavy amplifier! What???? |
Can't seem to get the rest of the pictures uploaded right now but I will add them later.
LOVED looking through your blog this morning. What a range of experiences you're having. Our youngest son, Rob, received his mission call in March. He'll serve in the Brazil Porto Alegre North mission. Rob leaves on August 21, so he has a very long wait. Wouldn't have minded if he went to Singapore. He certainly would have enjoyed the chocolate chip cookies - and the cotton candy would be a plus in his world.
You're such a great example of service. I'm so psyched for the time when Wayne and I get to serve together.
Take care, De Anna Owen
De Anna,
Thanks for your comment! I never know if anyone is reading it.
Congratulations to Rob. He will be a great missionary just like his brothers (and his parents for that matter). You will love being a couple missionary. It is a defining experience in a marriage. Preach My Gospel is for everyone!
Give my best to Wayne,
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