We have had a busy week. There are always things to do and we are way behind on our own personal research because Africa and New Zealand are consuming us. Ed is not sleeping much since he returned from being with his mom back east so she has been going in to work at 4:30 or 5:00am. If anyone in authority knew about this I think we might be called into the President's office, but we are so anxious to have this backlog of records organized and some parts finished before we leave. Your prayers for us would help if you feel so inclined.
Each time we feel that we have it all put together correctly we will test the next stage and then we find something else that needs fixing! Isn't that just the way it goes. But we are not discouraged or deterred! We are on the Lord's errand and we know we can do it.
The mountains have brought such beautiful color this week. I wanted to get a picture, but we haven't been in a place where that would be possible. I'm hoping we can make a trip into a canyon early on Saturday before General Conference. It would be a great way to begin the weekend to see the fall colors changed by God's hand.
One of my sisters and one of my brothers hiked up the Timp trail yesterday and she was telling me of these two young men, mid 20's, who had hiked all the way up and then slid down the glacier to make the descent faster. Both we banged up pretty bad because of the time of year and the glacier melt which exposes rocks, etc. but they were hobbling down slowly and when my sister passed them they had stopped and she heard them say...."look at that tree....that is awesome!...the colors are gorgeous!" They turned to her and said, "We came up in the dark and we didn't see this then. Isn't this amazing?"
Here were two young men who were obviously in pain, but stopped to look at the colors of the leaves on a tree. How often do I take no notice of the beauty of nature and just feel peace in the moment? Shame on me.
I am so grateful for the bits and pieces Heavenly Father gives to us to help us get through the day knowing that He is there and that He wants us to live in a place while we are away from Him that is as beautiful as He can make it. Rainbows, fall colors and of course.....
sunsets. ^_^
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