I thought I would share images to tell about my week.

You may ask why am I putting up a picture of a parade float? Good question...
This happens to be a photo I took on 25 July this year at the pioneer parade in downtown Salt Lake City. Today at our Stake Conference one of the speakers was Susan Black who was the organizer of the committee to create a parade float from our Stake for the parade this year. This is that float. It was very interesting to hear about the creation process and the little miracles that happened during this project. As you can see the float is very busy. It includes 5 different faiths with prominent congregations in the downtown area....actually the five that reside within the boundaries of our stake, the Ensign Stake (the oldest stake in the Church). For a number of years now these 5 congregations have come together for different projects in the community like many other communities around the country. When the stake was asked to provide a float Sister Black was inspired to use this as the theme and to represent the uniqueness of the entire faith community. I love that the Tabernacle is not at the front of the float, but at the center. I really like the different houses from the Avenues as well as the wonderful photos around the float.
Taking the "many faiths" theme further in stake conference, our wonderful President spoke of his experiences being part of the Interfaith Committee meetings and getting to know the other ministers in the area. He testified that he believes they are men of God, going about doing many of the things that the Savior did when he was on the earth, giving service. Pres. Ames spoke of becoming sensitive to the statement we sometimes make: I know this is the only true church on the earth. The fact is that many churchs in the world have truth. He recalled how President Hinckley had invited people from all faiths to come and join us and bring with them what they know and we will add to it. I remember as a missionary in Thailand how the Thais would tell us, "All religions teach men to be good." How true that is.

Today was also probably the last time I will have an opportunity to sing in the Tabernacle choir seats. So Ed and I had our picture taken in front of the pipes and I took a picture of the chair I sat in....men's side, 5th row up on the inside next to the pipes. (Also right next to the stairs that go behind the pipes and yes, I explored and almost got locked out....)

It was an amazing morning on Friday. It was cloudy but not raining here yet as I walked from the apartment to work. I really had no reason to turn around and look behind me, but I did and I saw the rainbow. I hurried to the JSMB and took the elevator to the 10th floor because I knew it would be amazing to see the temple with the rainbow behind it. These pictures do not show the beauty of those moments, but I wanted to share what I had. Fortunately we were having our devotional on the 10th floor so many from our zone got to see it and one of our favorite young elders was assigned the thought. He talked about how it made him feel to see the rainbow, "I think it's so cool that God makes science fun!" He bore his testimony about the beauty of the earth and everything in it that God gave us. I so agree.

I had such a great experience watching the full moon rise from behind the mountains one evening. Again, a picture just doesn't do justice to the real thing, but you can see how big the moon is just to the right of the street lamps just below the center of the picture. Zooming in you can see how the moon is lighting the clouds around it. I had fun taking these photos in the cool evening breeze.

With the cooler weather comes the changing colors. These color changes at the Square signal it is time to take another drive to the canyons and see the changes beginning there before too much time passes. Maybe this weekend. For now, I will enjoy the fall colors still lingering in the valley.

It is still amazing to watch the preparations for winter and the holiday lights on the Square. All week long there have been two lifts and 4-6 people working in the cedar from Lebanon. Since they only light it once every other year I have been interested in the care they take in putting on the lights. One of the gardeners told me it wasn't as harmful to the tree now that they use the LED lights because they do not put out any heat but the tree still suffers just from having people climbing around in it and new growth branches getting damaged. Can't wait to see it with snow and these red lights!

Enjoyed a visit with "Texas" friends this week....isn't it wonderful how memories keep us close.

That thought brought me to share this sweet photo I took of baby Edison asleep next to his great grandmother Moulder when we visited her in the hospital in Pennsylvania recently. I love that he was holding her finger so contentedly. He is soooo cute!!!

I couldn't let the post end without another of my wonderful sunsets. I wish I knew why the sunrise and sunset moves me so much, but I am glad for the feeling it gives me to see these beautiful events. I am happy to share them.
