A week into May already and Mother's Day is basically over. What a grand day today. Actually it started last night. We had dinner with friends in a condo up on the mountain just at the mouth of the canyon to the Alpine Loop. The condo's were great and the conversation and meal were wonderful. Before we came home we stopped by Autumn and Derrick's house in Provo to take her a little gift for Mother's Day and she had a gift for me too. It was a lovely pot of plants, geranium's and another plant with little white flowers that I don't know. It is large and looks wonderful on our balcony. As Ed was hauling it into the apt upon our return last night we got to the door and there was a box of flowers from Aubree and an arrangement from Ashley! I was so surprised! They obviously didn't coordinate together this year. The flowers are all gorgeous. Ashley's came with a balloon and Aubree's with a little box of chocolates (which are mostly gone).
Today after church meetings we went up to mom's place for dinner. Mark had prepared a wonderful slow cooked roast beef with potatoes. I prepared the orange jello salad with mandarin oranges, brought Lion House rolls and root beer to add to the meal. Mark had his friend Mike with him for the week so Mike was there also. He is a funny guy. Lyle and Susan came later for dessert which Lyle brought. Strawberries over angel food cake. It was all yummy. We shared stories for a while and then we left mom. She looks like she is feeling better and she ate well so that is good.
I made her another salmon steak to put in the frig so she could have it tomorrow and Tuesday. I hope she continues to get good sleep so she can feel better.
Monday evening we had a Pie & Ice Cream Social for the Elijah Choir. It was fun to be with these people with whom we share so much with our music. Most of them we don't interact with during the week because we are scattered throughout the 22+ zones of the mission so this was a nice event. I provided two pies purchased from the Lion House Bakery...rhubarb and "very berry". Both were excellent but I was a little surprised at how serious some of the missionaries were about their pie eating!!
The week has been an especially good one for me because I have finally been feeling better and have found out the probable cause of the pain I have been experiencing for about the last 3 months. Without an MRI it cannot be determined but it seems to be most logically that I have had a herniated thoracic disc. This has probably caused the pain in my right upper abdominal area which was why it was easy to mistake as a gall bladder issue. This cannot be confirmed without and MRI which I really don't want to do and the confirmation would not change anything anyway. At this point it is a pain management issue and it will heal itself over a 3-4 month period (which is why I have had a good week this week....there had been little pain). The other possibility is internal shingles (which I didn't know you could have)which is the same course as for the herniated disc so it really doesn't matter to me. I am just happy to have this narrowed down! Knowledge is power!
We had an exciting event at work also this week. Cute Sister Mapu is back again for me to work more on the corrections she has found for her book. Well last Tuesday, most of the zone was over at the Church office Building (COB) for a department meeting while Sister Mapu and I stayed to work on her book and there was a fire drill in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Our instruction as missionaries is to wait by the fire door for instructions from the employee floor captain for instructions. Well.....most of the employee's were over at the COB for the meeting so there was a large group of missionaries who didn't know what to do. Finally some employee's came (I could tell they were employee's because they had their computers tucked under their arms)and told us that they were going down the stairs but we could choose to do what we wanted! We all left. As we snaked our way down the stairs (Sister Mapu is very quick and agile) we laughed and joked. Finally we were out on the street and saw our friends from other floors and just chatted for a while. I felt like we were in good company because the Mission Office people were there. I'm sure people driving by were wondering what was happening!
If that wasn't exciting enough for this week, the very next day (Wednesday) Ed and I left the apartment and didn't make it to the elevator before realizing that neither of us had our keys! What a pain. There we were, 5:30pm in the evening and we had to call the emergency night number to tell them what we had done. Fortunately we found friends who were home and they let us use their phone and wait in their apartment for the person to call us back and arrange to meet us at our door. We got in and grabbed the keys and headed up to the gym to work out. It is a helpless feeling to not have the keys. In our building with a security door we didn't even want to chance going out in case we couldn't find someone to let us back it! But it all worked out in the end and we were only waiting about 20 minutes. It could have been so much worse!
Signing class this past week was fun for me. I am practicing finger spelling the alphabet. Sister Barnes took me aside and worked with me one on one as the long beginner in the group. I need to practice my alphabet to be able to do it fast on Thursday this week!
On Tuesday this week I was able to meet two former roommates (Shari Fullmer and Trudy Swenson Shipp) in the Draper Temple for an endowment session. Trudy and Bill work on Tuesday's as ordinance workers and Shari and I wanted to surprise her but we finally thought we should let her know so we would be able to find her. It turned out to be a good thing and we were able to share a wonderful reunion in the temple together....it was a first time event. Not the last I hope.
Yesterday I had a great surprise as I was doing a little exercise walking around the downtown block of T.Square. (Outside the gates, not inside as I was in workout attire without my badge) I ran into friends from The Woodlands! It was great to see them and find that all is well back home.
The weather was beautiful this week. It has rained today, but the week was really very nice. The flowers on the T. Square that have bloomed first are now being cleaned up and pulled out. There are still so many flowers coming up it is such a pleasure to be here. I'm sharing with you the spots I have been tracking plus some other close up photos I have taken of the flowers. Hope you enjoy!
Family History Library and Museum Photos:
The little garden in front of the old cabin is starting to appear also!
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Yes. You ARE loved!!
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