This is what it looked like to me.
Did you know that it gets very hot in the Tabernacle with those lights? Yes, it does. So each seat has a little round air conditioning vent underneath it (about 10 inches across)for the comfort of the choir. (I should have taken a picture of that, but I didn't think of it soon enough.) It was fascinating to see how quickly the crew changes the stage from the broadcast set up for a Sunday meeting. The broadcast is done at 10AM and we were in the seats at 10:30AM to begin practice for the 12 Noon Meeting.
The meeting was very good. President Ames spoke about the sacredness of the sacrament. His 2nd counselor was released today because he is suffering badly from cancer. He was almost gone from us last Monday, but he was released from the hospital yesterday so he could attend conference. His words to us were very touching and introspective. It made me wonder what I would want to say if I were called to speak when I was close to death. We hope that Pres. Jardine will be with us for a while longer, but the impression his words made on me will last a long time. Elder Rudy Franco of the Seventy was the visiting authority. He told us about buying a new piano, a baby grand, and seeing it fall and break apart as they were delivering it to their home. Of course the store where he purchased it had to replace the piano but he inquired if the piano could be repaired. They told him that even though they could put the pieces back together the piano would never be able to sound good because once the wood is broken it cannot be restored. He then spoke of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Through the Atonement, no one of us need be replaced but healed, restored by the Savior. He then echoed Pres. Ames' words of being active partakers of the sacrament each week. He reminded us that it is the only altar outside of the temple where we can commune with the Lord while partaking of this sacred ordinance. I will try to remind myself each day this week to be preparing myself for the sacrament next Sunday.
On the way back to the apartment after our meetings I decided to begin a photo journal of the spring flowers coming to the Square. It was so nice to see the ground crews working last week to clean up the flower beds and the ground around the big trees. Crocus have been peeking through the ground now for a couple of weeks, but with spring officially starting in a couple of weeks (Sunday, March 20) I am anxious to see what is in store. I wanted to share the beauty and wonder I get to see each day so I will post photos taken from the same places each week to share. It was raining lightly today and we may get a few snow flurries tonight, but winter is over here in the Salt Lake Valley and spring is just waiting for the right moment to burst upon us. I am so excited! This will be as fun as watching the holiday lights go up!!
This bed is in the middle of the Square facing the South Gate.
This bed is in the middle of the square by the Tabernacle facing the North Gate toward the Conference Center Waterfall.
A close up of crocus in a bed by the roses below.
Can't wait to see these roses. They lasted through the end of November last year.
The following story was shared in a daily devotional last week. I thought it was cute.
4 Mar 2011 – British Zone Devotional by Employee Judy Jones
Author Unknown
The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box. There are 5 things you need to know, he told the pencil, before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be.
ONE: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in Someone’s hand.
TWO: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you’ll need it to become a better pencil.
THREE: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.
FOUR: The most important part of you will always be what’s inside.
AND FIVE: On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write.
The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.
Now, replacing the place of the pencil with you; always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.
ONE: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God’s hand. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess.
TWO: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various problems, but you’ll need it to become a stronger person.
THREE: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.
FOUR: The most important part of you will always be what’s on the inside.
AND FIVE: On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must continue to do your duties.
By understanding and remembering, let us proceed with our life on this earth having a meaningful purpose in our heart.
I pray each day that my daily walk on this earthly surface leaves a mark that I can be proud to report on to my Savior and my Father in Heaven.
1 comment:
Awesome TABERNACLE pics and experience!! Love your excitement over Spring and the flowers! And....enjoyed the Pencil story!
Ha! Just looked down at the Word Verification thing to type it in and the word is "beers"! Bizarre!
You are awesome! As always!! xoxo
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