Aubree came to visit us and we did the tours around the city with as much historical information as we could get to in the little time she had. Here are some highlights.
Ed and Aubree in front of the south entrance to Independence Hall. We were told it is actually the most photographed side which is surprising to me since the mall is to the north of the Hall, but the tours begin here so I guess that makes it more photographed...?
The tour guide stood inside the prisoners cage while giving our tour. Not a great place to be since they had to stand during the entire proceedings!!
Aubree and her awesome camera taking photos inside the court room.
After Independence Park we went to the US Mint. It was fascinating. As we went through the security gates I spotted a quarter on the floor, picked it up and handed it to the guard. He told us he couldn't do anything with it so it was mine if I wanted it. I gave it to Aubree and told her to tell her friends she went to the mint and got a quarter. The guard then gave us another quarter and said if we added a penny we could have a souvenir penny! We didn't add the penny so now Aubree can say she went to the Mint and got 50 cents!!
After the Mint we walked to Pandora's where we met Ed's sister, Judy and her husband, Tom for Philly Cheesesteaks. Ed and I really like them at this place and have become friends with the owner. Aubree got hers without cheese and it was still very good!
After lunch we walked the block to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. We had made arrangements with the Director, Lee Arnold to give us a tour of the vault and some of the treasures there. Since it is only a few feet from where we work all day long, we always love a chance to get inside!
First he showed us the original copy of the US Constitution. This document is written on the right side of the paper so the changes or additions could be made on the left side and then be more easily re-written.
Next, Lee showed us the original draft of the Articles of Confederation.
Another treasure was this diary kept by Tobias Lear who was George Washington's secretary. He stayed with Washington every minute of the last days of his life and recorded everything that happened. He knew that it would be important to many people to know of the death of this great man who was loved and honored by so many. Interesting in the diary was after Washington's death deciding about the fastest horses and the order of who would receive the news first, etc.
This diary is being transcribed now and I am hopeful to read it soon.
Lee next asked us if we had a favorite time in history. Aubree said medieval and Tom said Civil War.
So Lee brought out the document below. Sadly I have forgotten much of what Lee told us about it, but I think it is the journal of a free black man who wrote about the underground railroad and kept very good records of the happenings. It appears that Harriet Tubman was a visitor as he made a note at the top of the left page of her name and a date. (I wish I had written all this down!!!)
Then he said to Aubree, "Well I don't have anything quite as old as medieval times, but maybe this will do" and he pulled out a letter written by one of the Medici's.
Yes....that will do quite nicely we all though as we held our breath!! Aubree was thrilled!!
There were other things, but I didn't get all the photos because I was using my phone and I will get the photos from Aubree that she took with her awesome camera!
By the way.....those large books in the back along the wall are original ledgers from Wells Fargo bank. They do not belong to the HSP, but are housed here in the vault for safety. Although they are in the vault, they are not in the special cabinets that the treasures we saw are in. That cabinet has 5 different lock combinations to get to those treasures. The vault only has 2 of the 5. Oh....and that doesn't count the cameras.
After our wonderful tour we headed back east to walk another mile (Aubree's feet were really hurting by this time since we had walked 3-4 miles already) to visit the new Museum of the American Revolution. Two and a half hours was not long for us to see everything we wanted to see in this space but we did get to see Washington's battle tent. The presentation was so good telling about the tent and about the conditions of the war that I was very moved just to see the tent!! (The great music really helped too)
After the museum closed we went to dinner. Tom and Judy had found a place called City Tavern just around the corner from the museum where the wait staff is dressed in period costume so we thought that would be fun. It certainly was, and the food was delicious!! We enjoyed all the food, but I was particularly taken by an appetizers we tried called "mushroom toast". It was so yummy!! I would love to go back again.
Fortunately for Aubree Tom and Judy offered to drop us at our apartment. Her feet done for the day!!
Friday we were able to take our apartment shuttle most of the way to the Constitution Center which was our first place for the day. We made it in time to see the first live show which was very stirring. After ward the staff introduced a man who was a professor at a local university in the area who volunteers only on Fridays at the Center and gives and hour lecture about the signers of the Constitution. We decided to go with him (Randall) and it was very interesting. Obviously he knew these men well. He took us to the "Signers Hall" room where there are lifesize statues of each of the signers. He spoke of them personally and told what their history was, what influence they had on the proceedings, etc. It was very worthwhile. Aubree had sported her "Hamilton" jacket today so she was specially excited to stand next to the Hamilton statue.
If you are not familiar with the Broadway play "Hamilton" Guns and Ships is one of the rap songs in the play. It is something to be proud of to be able to rap it all!
After making it through the Constitution Center we sat for some lunch in their cafeteria and Aubree decided she needed a nap. Ed felt the same way, so we decided to go back to the apartment. Ed was kind enough to walk back and bring the car back to pick us up so Aubree didn't have to walk so far again. Her poor feet!!! We enjoyed saying hello to this cute couple who are volunteers in the area.
On the way we stopped at the Reading Terminal Market and I jumped out to buy us each a pretzel so could taste how good the Philly pretzel (made by Amish/Mennonite people) are. She is also now a fan!!
Saturday we visited the Franklin Institute. We were there just about opening time and ended up spending almost 6 hours there! It is a fabulous place. I kept thinking the whole time how much our grandchildren would love this place, especially as I watched the little girl in the photo below just run from one end to the other with her hands on the handles of the x-ray machine. It was hilarious!!
All of us finding our way in the mirror maze. |
Ed and Aubree had a difficult time trying to help me understand some of the things in these exhibit....math is not my friend. Do you know what voronoi means? |
Aubree gave up on me and just played with the display making smaller and smaller ploygons! We had to tear her away! |
Seriously, does everything beautiful have to turn into a math problem?? |
This exhibit about our heart was exceptional. See how much Aubree loved it!!! |
Very cool! |
Couldn't help but think of Etta and Malvin and Edison when I watched this little girl.
One exhibit we saw together (before Ed walked home to take a nap) was special because it was all about flight. There was a Blue Angels simulator (I love the Blue Angels) and another flight simulator but both of them warned against going in them if you have back problems so that sadly left me out. There was a plane that was part of the exhibit and Ed told us that it was like the plane he had flown when he was in Navy Flight Indoctrination Training for his ROTC program. He thinks he flew a T-38 or maybe a T-43 Trainer. He didn't land or take off, but he flew it while in the air with his trainer behind him. Very cool, honey!!
More later......