Once again we have had the privilege to accompany members to the temple in Manila. It was a large group this trip and many spoke good enough English that we had a lot of help. Having said that, it was still a whirlwind of organization and follow through to make sure the experience was special and filled with the Spirit. I think we succeeded. Here is our group and some of their stories.
The first to arrive at the airport at 7:00 AM on Nov 18th was the family who lived the farthest away and had the youngest children, Brother Aret, his wife Sister Linyang and their children Youro, Joneas and Sally. They looked so excited and were very dressed up. This family lives very humbly and this is the first time any of them have traveled. Many firsts for them.
I was so impressed with their shiny shoes. I had to take a picture of Brother Aret's shiny shoes so they all laughed and lined up for me.
Shiny shoes in the place where they lives is quite a feat.....^_^
I have been very impressed with how well behaved these children are. They were so pleasant to have as travelers and I did not have to worry about them at all . The boys always take care of their little sister and she is never out of their sight. She is such a sweet girl.
Youro and Sally had a great time on the baggage carts.
Sister Janice from Kota Sentosa Branch. She is so excited to go to the temple for the first time. She is a little tiny thing and a fireball. She has been a member just over a year. |
Brother Christopher and is wife Angelina will be sealed and Sister Angelina's daughters Helen and Maureen will be sealed to them. Helen is a returned missionary who served in the Singapore Mission so she is excited to return to the temple but for the other three it is their first time. |
Brother Konok and Sister Florence laughed at themselves for needing wheelchairs. They both did great and it was fun to be with them. Brother Konok is going for the first time and will be sealed to his deceased wife and then to his living daughter who is going with her husband and they will be sealed also see James and Marjorie below). Sister Florence has been sealed already to her deceased husband but not all of her children yet. One more of her sons is with us to be sealed to her. Her daughter Caroline who has previously been endowed and sealed to her is traveling with her also. |
These are dear people....always with a smile on their faces. |
We didn't have everyone available for this photo but I am so happy to have had the opportunity to go with them all. It was a glorious experience for them and us. |
I love the temple. The sky was always so interesting and I couldn't get enough pictures of the temple. This is taken from directly across the street (Temple Drive), standing on the steps of an office building (part of the Church complex there) which houses the Distribution Center and the Family History Center. |
Although the trips are so wonderful I am always exhausted by the end. The responsibility of making sure the experience, for some this once in a lifetime experience, is one that will always be remembered as a spiritual feast is a humbling one.
I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to attend the temple frequently. Sometimes I take that blessing for granted. I hope I will always remember what a privilege it is.