January 6th is Three Kings Day (or Epiphany to some), celebrated as the day the Magi visited the baby Jesus.
In Germany, on January 5th, families celebrate by turning the lights on their Christmas tree for the last time this season and enjoy festivities which may include one more gift which may had been held under tree for the children, great food and singing.
A King Cake is also involved in the celebrating with the traditional penny or almond or small figurine that is celebrated when found inside a piece of the cake. (Remember, in Germany bread is substituted often for sweeter a fare and it is really good!)
January 5th this year was a Sunday and returing to Detmold from our meetings in Bielefeld we drive by a beautiful church and on that day saw a mom with three children trailing behind her each dressed in capes with crowns on their heads. One was holding a staff with a very large paper star on it. We did not see any other children along our roads and I am sad I couldn't get a photo, but I did find one on the internet.
On Jan 5th or 6th, the children go around to homes doing what is called "Star Singing" and collecting money for charities. When finished they then "chalk the door". This tradition brings a blessing to the house.
I was surprised and pleased to see that the archive "house" had also received a blessing.
The symbols from last year may stay for a time, I don't know, but I was pleased to see the new characters too.
Here is what it means:
20 * C+M+B * 25 (although the archive symbols have only one asterik)
The year is split in two hence the 20 on the left and the 25 on the right.
C+M+B is the Latin phrase: Christus mansionem benedicat ('May Christ bless this house'),
Some say the CMB is for the three wise men: Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar but apparently that is not the real meaning. (Perhaps it has become easier to remember these names than the Latin blessing...)
On January 6th all the decorations are removed from the tree and it is taken down. One other tradition I heard of is the placing of the magi into a nativity scene.
I really appreciate this celebration even though we do not have many records to verify how many magi came, where they came from, and what their names are. The gifts they brought to this little family must have been important enough to bring them safely to Egypt for the protection of the Son of God.
God watched over His Beloved Son. I believe He watches over each of us also. He wants all of His children to come back home to Him. He sent His Son to earth to give us all a way back.
I am so grateful.